Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I decided to do the freezer yesterday since I had two frozen pizzas to fit in there and they wouldn't fit. After emptying the shelves completely, and organizing as I filled it back up, I was pleased with the make over. It isn't as drastic as some of the fridge/freezer face-lifts have been on here, but I found things I didn't know where in there! Now I have leftovers on the top shelf, meat on the second (with the pizzas), open bags of: fish sticks, skinless boneless chicken, nuggets, etc on the third and then our never ending supply of carbs on the bottom. ((we are blessed enough to know a bread man, so we get bagels, English muffins, bread, buns for free, and we can't eat them all so they go in the freezer. Praying for the day we get a deep freeze!))

All in all 7 items went:

I threw out two bags of nasty growing something veggies--no clue how long they'd been in there.

An empty box of butter.Really? We couldn't throw that out when the last stick was used?!

A left over moved to the fridge for us to eat tomorrow.

Three unidentifiable leftovers, unlabeled.

And the final result: I know in the picture it doesn't look that much different, but it really is so much better! I didn't do the doors, that's for another day. The goal was to fit the pizzas in. LOL

Since that was only 7 things from the freezer, I also walked around and grabbed three "pretty" candle holders that I no longer ever use, and added it to the "to sell" pile in the storage room to make my ten things.

(SORRY about the craziness that is the font in this post. I kept trying to change the font to get it to all match, NO clue why it kept changing on me. No clue what happened.)!

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