Wednesday, May 19, 2010

happy house

My month of purging is still going well even though I have not written about it. I got sidetracked gather kid items to sell in the church re-sale. In one week over 100 items were ready to go out the door. Thanks to my BFF for all the help pricing them--I don't think I could have done it on my own. I did not make a ton of money, but that was not really the point. I got enough to cover the items I bought--mostly items I needed for the kids plus a few books--and have a little spending money left. I defintely sold more than I bought.

But the real point of this is to say I am loving my house now. Things are cleaner than they have been in a long time. I can walk into rooms and not immediately get upset. This keeps me going. We have been planting our first garden the last few days so purging has been put on the backburner. The fence is all that is left and I plan on making up for these lost days because I will have 300 items out of my house by the end of this month!

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