Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back From Outer Space...and Cleaning Drawers!

Kate, you inspired me! So....I'm back!

I have still been doing small projects here and there, but haven't documented anything and didn't think it would be too exciting for you to read about organizing my expense reports, product information, and promotional materials in my new file cabinet. I've also had a slew of guests (the blessing and curse of a beach house!), my husband has been away quite often, and I just threw a mega 4th of July party. But hey, that's life! And it gets in the way sometimes!

I also have another inspiration: My new kitchen drawer organizers!

I'm a sucker for the semi-annual sale at Williams Sonoma and snagged these last week at 50% off. I LOVE them!

Here they are in practical use:



AFTER (I forgot to take a before):




Nothing too exciting, but I get a sense of satisfaction every time I open one of these drawers!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT JOB Jackie!

    Also, I'm in total envy of the obvious drawer space. My kitchen has three functioning drawers. And one broken one that we can't open. Boo.
