Wednesday, July 28, 2010


To those of us who have been purging and cleaning spaces and organizing... are the places you've cleaned, still clean? I have to say sadly, no. My closet is slowly crawling back to a disaster and my desk is over flowing and one cabinet is yet again a wreck. Why can't I keep things neat? I want them neat. I'm pleased when they are tidy...

any thoughts?


  1. Ack! I just wrote a long response to you and it disappeared!

    I was actually thinking about this too and was toying with the idea of posting current as is pics.

    No, my spaces are not all as they were at their cleanest. BUT, I am light years ahead of where I was before I started this.

    I have a cleaning pattern and I tend to clean all of the same things all of the time. Every once in awhile, I'll set a timer for 10-15 minutes and intentionally clean something I normally don't. I have to do this with my closet every once in awhile to keep it in decent shape.

    I still have my regular piling spots: the laundry room, my closet, etc, but I am making a better effort to nip it in the bud now.

    Currently, as in as I write this, my house is somewhat of a disaster. The laundry is piled (but folded on the kitchen table), there are piles of random things in my closet, I have piles of clean and folded laundry on my bedroom floor, I have random stuff on the counter in the mudroom/laundry room...but it takes just a second now to clean it all up because it's just all superficial.

    My husband is away so much lately that some things are just not getting done as they should. I have to prioritize: kids, work, house...and that's just life!

    Try to keep up with it! 10 minutes here and there does so much more than you think it will!

  2. Mine were until we started putting in the new floors throughout most of our actual living space. I am sad to report this remodel had gone on over 3 weeks already with the majority of it being us doing no work at all. I need someone to come shake me back into reality and yell that we are moving in 5-6 months.

    Otherwise it is just what Jackie said. Spend a few minutes each day on those things & they stay clean. The biggest issue for me was taking the extra 5 seconds to put something back where it belonged instead of where it was most convenient at the time, saying I would get back to it later.
