Saturday, January 15, 2011

the boys' closet

Again I forgot to take before pics, but here is my after...

The top shelf was a JOKE. Things were just thrown up there with no rhyme or reason. Piles of underwear too small, baby toys, blankets, art work, ugh, it was just a mess. The clothes hanging were of multiple sizes and always a pain to go through and find a nice shirt for Sundays. Then on the lower shelf, there were again piles of clothes that needed to be put away either too small now or too big or hang ups that weren't hung, ect. Under those piles were a heaping mound of shoes again-- zero organization. The floor kind of rinse and repeat for the shelf. Clothes with tags, clothes in bags, clothes too small, the next size waiting for Matthew needing to go in the dresser... ugh. It was awful.

NOW It is nice a neat!
-The top shelf is very friendly with their baby books/memory boxes then comes baby toys, and a wipes container with pacifiers in it. The brown sack has two different size opened partially used packs of diapers. Next to the brown sack, you can't see is a small tub labeled of two different sizes of too small underwear for Matthew that I didn't want to put up in the attic not knowing when Mark was going to begin potty training.
-Then the hanging stuff on the far left is special jackets/outfits, then extra hangers, the middle is Matthew's and the right is Mark's.
-The lower shelf while in the picture doesn't look very organized, I'm actually most pleased about! ALLLL the shoes are now labeled and bagged and will be very easy to find as they grow size to size. Here's a closer look at the shoes:
-Then the floor... that is a little dark in the picture but the far left is the next size for Matthew (things that have been handed down from cousins), next to that is a bag for my BFF, then the box you can actually see is Mark's current size but summer clothes and next to that last box is the comforter/bumper for the crib.

It looks so nice in there! I keep opening the doors to see it all straightened up! It took two hours last night and about two plus hours this morning to go through all the clothes and all. I got Matthew's dresser emptied of all small clothes and filled with the now size. ( I forget what a huge chore size changing is for them). I boxed three boxes of Matthew's smaller size (goodness, slacker!) and one box from even the size before that (super slacker). Jamie took them up to the attic. I also ended up with a PILE of trash: random papers from the hospital from Mark (eeee!), art work, tags, wrappers... Also I made a give pile (for a friend who's recently had a boy) of some really cute things but my boys just haven't worn. And lastly, I made a small pile of goodwill stuff. LOVE IT!


  1. Nice job, Kate! I can't believe you did this in one day!

    I'm going to steal your idea about the shoes, except I'm going to get the clear shoe boxes at the Dollar Store. Thanks!

    Very motivating!

  2. Jackie, honestly, I wish I had a different system than the bags, some of which don't close. I would love clear shoe boxes... hmmmmm. Might investigate that.

    And no way, I did it in two days! Two hours the night before and then two hours yesterday morning.
