Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Name is Jackie, and I'm Addicted to Candles.

We all have our addictions. At least I think everyone does. I have several, one of them being candles. I have a cabinet full of candles. Call me a liar because I actually have TWO cabinets full of candles.

My husband and I have come to the conclusion that we will never be minimalists. We dream about it---about living without plethora of things, about being stripped down to the bare essentials and not be weighed down by our possessions. But let's face it. It's not in either of our blood---especially mine. However, we have come to the conclusion and agreement that we will only keep the things we use (including my service for 60). And believe it or not, I use the majority of these candles throughout the year. Many of them are seasonal and are used at different times of the year. But in the spirit of cleaning things up and eliminating things we don't use, I give to you my candle cabinet(s)!
I do not have photographic evidence of the things I discarded, but I have a bag full that went in the trash and some that are headed to our favorite donation spot.

I'm trying to make my way through the laundry room (where the candles are located), so stay tuned for some very exciting stuff like the dog cabinet. I bet you can barely stand the anticipation!


  1. Is it bad if I'm slightly jealous of all those candles?! Good job though, it looks MUCH better

  2. omg holy candles. I too love candles:)
    it looks much better.
    I to will never be a minimalist.

  3. OH I have millions of candles too. Good job, it looks great!!

  4. So, I'm bringing cash money (LOL) to the beach in March and hopefully I can convince you to hold a pre-yardsale sale with the stuff you will have in your garage by then. :) Looks great!
