Monday, April 26, 2010

Bathroom Humiliation

We have one bathroom in our house. It is on the first floor just off the kitchen. That means that regardless of if our guests use it they often see it. Since we have only one bathroom and no storage this shelf in our bathroom gets packed with stuff. The same goes for the shower. When people walked in there I would cringe at the idea of what they would see. Some of my girlfriends like it, they go in there and spray perfume and style their hair.

I didn't do a close up of the shelf, because if I did you may have barfed. There was a significant layer of dust that I cleaned off.

Examples of things I threw out
  • empty bottle of Aveeno face scrub
  • empty bottle of apricot scrub
  • empty bottle of shampoo
  • empty bottle of conditioner
  • old rusty razor x 2
  • six caps from Intuition razor replacements
  • old perfume that my high school friend got me, while I was in high school (in 1998)
  • foundation I bought for my wedding (in 2003)

Here is the shelf "After." It is still cluttered, but thinned out, clean, and organized.

Here is the shower "Before." See those big orange bottles? Empty. The same goes for the bottles in the hanging thing.

Here is the shower "After." None of these bottles are empty.


  1. Sorry this formatted like this, I tried to fix it five times.

  2. Awesome! I see a huge difference! Have you thought about getting two baskets (his and hers) to put on the shelves? We use some on our shelves in the bathroom and it really helps to conceal our stuff, plus you can just pull everything down at once. Way to go!

  3. Oh that is such a good idea! I will definitely look into it. The hers one will be much, much larger
