Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 1


2 leprechauns made by the boys
5 papers from Double Blessings that I don't need but thought I did
6 painted Easter eggs the boys did at school

will add pix later. So far today, I tossed Bailey's dog bed. He knows how to unzip it (????) and he tears all the foam out. He's getting a blanket in his crate from now on instead. At least I can wash that.


  1. Read that as, "I tossed Bailey" and thought, woah, she's taking this seriously. ;)

    The papers kill me ... oh but I might need it. If I come across anything I might need, I'm going to scan it and put it on our server. If it's that important, I take the time to scan it or it goes out the door!

  2. WTG girls! I think I shall follow your example!
