Monday, April 19, 2010

Master Bath

I thought the master bath would be relatively painless. I was wrong. It took FOREVER to go through everything. But, as always, the end result is worth it!

Under sink before:

Under sink After:
Some of the things I threw away (old toothpaste, soap, travel items, mirror, makeup bags, stainless steel lotion pump, etc.)
More crap (old perfume, lipsticks, makeup brushes, an empty ink cartridge---not sure how that ended up there---and all sorts of other lotions and potions):


After. TA-DA!:
NEXT PROJECT: My closet. It's a doozie.


  1. I wish I could finish one room. The under your sink area looks SO MUCH BETTER. How rewarding!

  2. Awesome job!

    You want to know how bad A's hoarding issues are? He will not let me throw out his old toothpaste samples he got at the dentist 5 years ago, a half used hotel shampoo from three years ago, etc., just on the off chance he should run out of said toiletry and need it some day. He totally put his foot down and decided that this was the hill he wanted to die on, so the only compromise we could come to is that I'm allowed to sort it all into labeled ziplock bags and stick it in the back of the linen closet.
