Friday, April 23, 2010

The closet

Reading this blog has inspired me so I felt motivated and decide my first project would be something that has been bugging me for closet! I can't stand my closet. I can't find anything in there, I hate trying to shove things around to hang more clothes. I mainly use my closet for work clothes and zip up hoodies but it's been a hot mess lately. We have a decent sized closet but as you can see we have this big shelf thing in the middle where the tv is (DH's idea) and it has some drawers and shelves where you can put clothes (all dh's clothes.) So my clothes go in my side of the closet and in my dresser-that one is for another day!!!

Here is the before pic, and it makes me cringe that I am showing this!! The jeans are DH's freshly ironed jeans lol!!!

Here is a look at the bottom of my closet. I really don't even know what the hell happened here. I am guessing some clothes fell off the hanger and got lost down here.....and come to find out there is a bag of clothes sitting under them!
The top-seriously no clue what’s in that Nike box back there. Everything is just thrown on top of there with no sort of organization.

And here is where you can see all my clothes shoved in there.
This is what I hate!! I have no room! I need to get rid of my winter clothes so I have room to hang the clothes I am wearing now.

It took me a little over an hour. This is what my bed looked like at the half way point. I think I sneezed about 17 times.

And lo and behold-----the random Nike box had a new pair of shoes for me. I love me some Nike MaryJanes in the summer. This is my 3rd pair and I wear these all summer. DH must’ve gotten me 2 pairs of these last summer and I’m guessing I saved these for this year. Either way-score!!!

I got rid of a huge garbage bag filled with clothes and 6 pairs of shoes. I packed them up and left them right by the front door and the next morning donated them to the church so they are OUT OF HERE!!

And here is the end result. Top is nice and clean, new shoes stored away until I am ready for them, Uggs stored away, bags in their protective bags and stored away, shoes are nice and neat and there is ORDER in my closet!! The most important-I HAVE ROOM IN THERE! I can hang things and look through things! Dresses in the back, long sleeve shirts, pants, capris, short sleeves and zip ups. AHHHH I can breathe again. I packed up all my winter stuff and stored it in the basement so now I can hang everything I need to hang and have room for it all!

Now my DH says he wants to work on his side. I hope he does it!

The next morning I was so happy about this I decided I could do my counter really quick. It has become a charging area and we have a million chargers there. Not really sure what all these things even charge!

I had an empty box that I found in the bottom of my closet so I stored all the chargers in separate bags, labeled them and put them away.

If anything this is making me realize what I slob I actually am. I thought I was pretty neat and now am realizing just all the things I can organize and all this stuff that can be thrown away.


  1. NICE WORK! The closet is a HUGE task! It looks great!!! Satisfying, huh?

    I too thought I was neat and organized until I started doing this. I guess all of our living spaces that people see are kept up and I have all of these spots that I've looked over in the past. This blog has really helped me too!

  2. Thank you Jackie! The outcome of your closet is what inspired me to do mine!!

  3. GOOD JOB on the closet!!

    (I am going to have to tackle our charger problem now too)!

  4. that looks fantastic!

    I did the same thing with all our chargers awhile ago. Only the cell phone chargers get to stay out on the counter. I have a little charging station where all the cords are hidden and only the charging part sticks out. Best thing is it only uses one of my kitchen outlets:)

    I now label ALL plugs, chargers etc with what they go to as soon as I open the box. I just put a file folder label on it and write on it. then I also know what they go to.


  5. You did GREAT!!! I heart those shoes. :) It looks fabulous now!
