Sunday, April 25, 2010

pictureless post

I wanted to just take a quick minute to post some goals... This weekend was a fly-by joke and I knew it would be. But here's my plan for the week.

Mon- laundry. My closet. It's on. even if I start small and don't tackle all of it.
Tues- just ten things. (or more closet, depending on where I stand at the end of Monday)
Wed-just ten things.
Thurs-desk papers
Fri-linen closet floor

So many other projects are coming to mind (more drawers in the kitchen, desk drawers, the top of the ironing board....), but I need to remember that this is about ten things every day for the long haul of making a more pleasing household, not about tackling as many big projects as we can until we pass out (THANK YOU MORGAN for the reminder Thursday).

Today's ten things included clothing tags on my dresser, trash around my side of the bed and an overflown trashcan of tissues next to the bed. (overflown so badly that I was using the empty tissue box to stuff new dirty tissues in). ugh. I didn't picture it before I went but I'm glad it's gone and maybe I can recognize the need to empty the small trash can from time to time.