Thursday, April 22, 2010

ten things from the playroom

Today was a "we were out all day" day, tomorrow will be the same, Saturday is filled from the time I get up until after the sun goes down and Sunday is normal church stuff but there's a meeting in the afternoon. I'm guessing I wont get any more purging time until Monday, so I wanted to at least get ten things out today. Dinner is in the crock pot, little people are quiet, so I took a laundry basket to the playroom and just added until I had ten things.

Here's the inside of the basket.

Here are all ten things laid out... the four animals which no one plays with went to a "sell" bag with other toys that have been recently moved out. The three non-working calculators (which were used as "cell phones") hit the trash. The pink throw up container from the hospital (which was washed and used in the play kitchen dishes) also hit the trash. And the two ancient speak and read things that don't work anymore also found the trash. I did keep the one that does still work, but I thought probably didn't need the two broken ones anymore.

Maybe not an awesome purging/decluttering day, but at least there are ten things NOT in my playroom right now. That is good enough for me for today. I'll be back Monday with probably my linen closet as the next project.


  1. Kate, don't put your efforts down! The whole premise of this was that the small effort of getting rid of ten things each day would add up to a big change over time. I know the big transformations where people go above and beyond look really impressive when we post them, but sticking consistently to ten things a day will serve you so much better in the long run than knocking yourself to do everything at once, and then burning out. You had a busy day but you did your ten things anyway, that's awesome!

  2. Thanks Morgan. I know that's the point but it felt sad. heh. I'm not sure I'll be able to pick up ten dirty kleenex tomorrow, we'll be so busy, but I wanted to do "something" today! Thank you.

  3. I agree! Nice work! It WILL add up!
