Sunday, April 25, 2010

My name is Kate and I'm a Stuffaholic

I like stuff. I have tons of stuff. I waste my money on more stuff. Then I bitch to my husband that the walls of our 1200 square foot house are closing in on me. After years of saving for a new, bigger house, we got a cruel reality check when a realtor came to our house and proclaimed us upside down on the mortgage. So now we are stuck here - two adults, two dogs, one two year old, and something needs to change.

We're in the midst of a redecorating/decluttering that has to happen before someone goes crazy. We got new living room furniture and a new kitchen table. We are waiting for the table to be delivered so the kitchen is, um, "empty."

My husband doesn't have a lot of stuff that he needs, but he likes junk. You'll see. His biggest bone of contention with my stuff is my shoes. I have too many (but but but, I like them!) and I take them off as soon as I come in the house. That means at any given time there are like... 25 pairs of shoes in our kitchen.

So, my kitchen isn't actually "empty," it is filled with shoes.
Including shoes with heels like this. Heels that cause me to walk lopsided and tilting backwards weirdly.
You know where else there are shoes? In our "guest room." As if anyone would want to sleep in there with shelves upon shelves of dirty old shoes! Since we can't move, and want to have another baby, this room will end up being Q's sooner rather than later so cleaning it out is necessary. Did I mention my tiny house has one closet? I'm serious. It has one closet and it is tiny. So Jackie? I'm way jealous of yours.
So here they are, the shoes I decided to get rid of. Getting rid of the two single sneakers was a given (where are the matches?!). I got those red shoes and wore them once (awful). Those Sketchers, navy and yellow shoes, and Adidas shell tops I haven't worn in at least five years. Those glittery black shoes and those pewter pointy toed shoes I LOVE, but they are beat to crap. The other sneakers have lost their bounce. I know I need to get rid of at least 10 more pairs of shoes, but this is a jumping off point for me.
PS: if anyone likes to throw stuff away, please come over. PLEASE.


  1. While I don't want to advocate keeping the shoes that make you walk lopsided and tilting backwards, I've had the heel bottoms and toe taps on many a pair of boots replaced, several times.

  2. Then those are so coming out of the bag. Good thing I had 11 pairs!

  3. no no no they have to go. i can't stop now. haha

  4. I also replace the heels, etc. on my shoes. I go through 3-4 pairs of black pumps/year otherwise. And I like Cole Haan, so I can't afford to do that!

  5. Cole Haan: yes
    Tarjay: no


  6. We have to come up with ideas for storage for you, mama! Have you seen the covers you can put over shelving? They have them at Lowe's for $20. Also, has some great solutions for storage.

    Nice job of pairing down the shoes!
