Friday, April 16, 2010

Coming Clean

Well, not really clean. But, I'm exposing this dark side of my life to the world. Well, to you all, but you matter. This is my crafting stash. All of it.

In the photos you'll see all the places where I keep supplies. It's mainly yarn, but I have advanced to stitching and fabrics. When I lived in the City, it was contained to a closet. But now that I have more space, I have more stuff. Maybe if I went Amish and sold my children to bring in money and free up my time, I could get through these projects in about 8 years. But, with reality, I know I suffer from SABLE (Stash Accumulated Beyond Life Expectancy.)
So, here it is, for all to see. My pride, my joy, my shame, my stash.

My closet, and if you turn the corner there are two more levels up and that's got stuff too.

The basement. All the bins have crafting supplies. Two of them have holiday stuff.

The corner of my closet. I hide stuff from Dan here.

The foot of our bed. Two more bins!
My crafting table in the living room.
In better news, I have thrown out the following:
1) St. Patrick's day (a garter, some earrings)
2) Old medications from our medicine chest
3) Magazines that I KNOW Dan isn't going to read. He won't admit it, but he's got a touch of hoarder in him too.
4) Plastic toys that the kids forgot about.
But, then I went out shopping last night and bought some fabric. It's an illness!


  1. I made a pact that I could not buy anything else, unless I threw out an additional 11 things. My 10, +1. I think maybe you should go through it all and see what you think you can part with and then advertise a special crafters yard sale?? You will NEVER use it all. Do it, do it, do it!!!

  2. I know, if I did that Dan would be SOOOO happy. I actually said to him that I wanted to open up a store for crafts, but also do craft consignment. Think about how awesome it would be to have that option. I even have a name for my store. "Re-Craft"

  3. I admire you for coming clean! You'll get there! I have visions of your organized craft room dancing in my head!!

  4. I too am a hoarder of craft stuff, mostly fabrics. I have a fabric obsession. I LOOOVEEE fabrics. I am trying to use them to create new projects but first I need to clean up the craft room to even find them....

    ukfan96 (AKA ktwins on blogs)
