Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Craft Room

J and I each have our own room in the house, he has an office, I have a "craft room." The craft room not only houses all my scrapbooking supplies, embroidery supplies, sewing supplies, and gift wrapping supplies, but also every other thing I'm not sure where to put. Most of it should be thrown away, but as you can tell, that's not something that comes naturally to me.

When Max fell asleep this afternoon, I decided I could easily find 10 things to throw away in the craft room. There was one bag I particularly wanted to go through.
The next two photos are what you see walking into the room. It actually looks better today than in days past.

The chaise you see is my sister's. I was storing it for her but she doesn't want it anymore. I guess I need to Craig's List it, or drop it off at goodwill.

This is the craft room closet with lots of boxes to go through. You can see the bag right under the Care Bear plush doll, the Care Bear that Wolfie chewed the face off of.
This is the other corner of the closet. Whats funny about this is that I have a large plastic container specifically designed to hold wrapping paper. Why isn't this wrapping paper in the container? I have no idea.
Funny thing about that bag I wanted to go through ... uh, it was trash. It was completely filled with trash. What was it doing still in the closet? Its contents have now been split between the trash and recycling bins. With Max still asleep, I decided I might go through some of the boxes and stacks on the table.
I guess J got inspired by my organizing and did a little bit of organizing and throwing out in his office. I snuck up on him to take this picture. I think his expression is hysterical.
Uh oh, someone just woke up and is extra cranky. Looks like that's all the time I'll get today.
In the end, I got rid of tons of useless paper, along with two cheap baskets, but there's still a ways to go.

1 comment:

  1. Next to pics of M, I *LOVE* the picture of J!

    Your craft room won't take long! It's just a matter of putting stuff away. If M's naps permits, you'll be done in no time!
