Sunday, April 25, 2010

Socks and Undies

My armoire has been my task for most of the weekend. And, although it is clean now, I'd be cheating to post after pictures because I still have two bins of things to go through. So, here's a teaser of the sock and undie drawers.
I don't have specific before pictures of this, but I got rid of all the old period panties (we all have them---at least *I* think we do), the miscellaneous unmatched socks, and things that just needed to move on.

I had bought these drawer organizers years ago at the Lillian Vernon Outlet (they used to have stores around us). They were super cheap and have really been helpful in my organization. They used to be stuffed to the gills, but I've eliminated most of the un-necessaries and it now helps satisfy my deeply hidden anal retentiveness.
Before and after pics to follow when I finish sorting through the last two containers....


  1. Ok I love your drawer organizers!! They look great!

  2. That is the most beautiful drawer of sock and undies I have ever seen!

  3. Awww, Karen. You say the sweetest things!

  4. I'm with Karen! I love these organizers. I love everythinggggggg about your house!

  5. Those organizers are the BEST. They don't fit in my current drawers and I miss them.

    Great job! And yes, we all have those panties LOL
