Friday, April 23, 2010

My Arch Enemy

Oy. This box is so daunting to me. It is full of BRAND NEW maternity clothes from the Gap.

I bought them when I was pregnant with Z for 2008. And as is most never they case, they were too big. I missed the return date and there they have sat. For two years. Hundreds of dollars worth of maternity clothes.

It is my goal today to do SOMETHING with them. I will call the Gap and see if I can get any kind of credit for them. I will list them on ebay as a lot if they can't help me. They have been a thorn in my side---guilty feelings---for so long. It's time to cut ties with them. Today is the day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, there is a pile of money in there. You better have called Gap by now!!!
